• Treatment of Back Pain Diss

    Excellent quality primary care for lower back pain, upper back pain and pain in the shoulders and neck based on best evidence, current guidelines and long standing experience.

    Helping you back to health...

    Treatement of Lower Back pain in Diss

Chiropractic Treatment in Diss

We help patients suffering from a wide range of conditions utilising a range of treatment options including spinal manipulation, soft tissue massage, dry needling acupuncture, therapeutic exercise, postural advice and rehabilitation.

The most common conditions we encounter are:

Treating Back Pain Diss

Acute or chronic backache and lower back pain such as lumbago or sciatica can be successfully treated with Chiropractic manipulation of the spine. Chiropractic treatment of the back can relieve back pain symptoms and treat a range of underlying conditions which can cause back pain.

Treating Headaches Diss

Chiropractic treatment is effective in helping to prevent Migraine Headaches and ease headaches arising from problems with the Neck (i.e. Cervicogenic).

Treating Neck Pain Diss

Chiropractic adjustment of the neck, shoulder and upper back can treat Neck pain caused by misalignment of the spine.

Treating Hip Pain Diss

Whether direct hip pain or referred pain Chiropractic manipulation combined with stretching and massage can help relieve symptoms and treat any underlying condition.

Treating Knee Pain Diss

Where knee pain is caused by osteoarthritis, Chiropractic manipulation combined with joint mobilisation and exercise can relieve these symptoms. Knee pain can also be referred pain caused by structural issues with the lower back, pelvis and hips which can be treated using chiropractic manipulation.

Treating Shoulder Pain Diss

Frozen Shoulder, stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint including pain caused by osteoarthritis can be treated by Chiropractic adjustment of the arm, shoulder or back.

Treating Elbow Pain Diss

Pain in the elbow such as Tennis Elbow or Golfers elbow can be relieved and the structural components that contribute to the condition treated with Chiropractic adjustment.

Treating Muscle Spasm and Cramps Diss

Structural issues of the lower back, hip and pelvis can cause referred muscle pain and cramps and this can be successfully treated with chiropractic adjustment.

(Bronfort et al. 2010. Effectiveness of Manual Therapies: the UK Evidence Report. Chiropractic and Osteopathy 18:3) The report concludes that the above conditions have moderate to high quality evidence for the efficacy of treatment with a package of care of manual therapy).

An SOS call when I was abroad on holiday was received with patience and understanding - you made a real difference...

Diana Kittle